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模特的英文翻译 模特英文怎幺说 模特的英文例句




    (fashion) model

fashion [fæʃ(ә)n]

    n.样子,方式,流行,风尚,时样 vt.形成,造,作,把...塑造成,使适应,使适合,改革,改变

model [mɔd(ә)l]

    n.样式,型,模範,典型,模型,原型,模特儿 vt.模仿 v.模拟


模特并不只是噘起她们的嘴Models don't just pout their lips.莫内的妻子多次为他当模特。Monet's wife satfor him many times.让模特完全打开眼睛来显示眼白和完整的虹膜。Have the model hold their eyes wide open to show the whites and roundness of the iris.他付钱给了一个製造假模特的公司It's for a dummy corporation that he set up at the vox and billing.他画过裸体模特儿。He has painted nude models.她们正坐在吉米•罗切的美术展览馆里,看着那些疲乏的服装模特炫耀服装和假笑。They sat in germaine rocher's salon watching the languid mannequins preen and simper.她是罗塞蒂最喜爱的模特儿之一。She was one of rossetti's favourite models.她是罗赛蒂最喜欢的模特儿之一。She was one of rossetti's favorite models.我姐姐搬到纽约后成了一名时装模特。My sister started working as fashion model after moving to new york.我也为他们做模特L modeled for them too.想一想六十年代有名的模特们,像维姬,Think of the famous models of the sixties like twiggy许多年轻女孩梦想成为时装模特儿。Many youg girls dream to be fashion models.一位前模特儿以她同许多男友的枕头谈话为基础写出了一本有趣的小说。A former model wrote a hilarious novel based on pillow talk with her many male friends.


不可约模特征 irreducible modular character

时装模特儿 model; manikin

服装模特儿 model; mannequin

模特儿职业 modelling

模特征 modular character

