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负电荷的英文翻译 负电荷英文怎幺说 负电荷的英文例句



[fù diànhé]

    negative charge;negative electricity

negative [negәtiv]

    n.否定,负数,底片 adj.否定的,消极的,负的,阴性的 vt.否定,拒绝(接受)

charge [tʃa:dʒ]

    n.负荷,电荷,费用,主管,掌管,充电,充气,装料 v.装满,控诉,责令,告诫,指示,加罪于,冲锋,收费


大家都知道,电子是微小的负电荷。Electrons are known to be minute negative charges of electricity.负碳离子,阴碳离子一种阴离子,其中碳带一个负电荷和一个非共用电子对An anion in which carbon carries a negative charge and an unshared pair of electrons.事实上,电子中除了负电荷之外很可能就别无它物了。Indeed it is possible that electrons are made of nothing else but negative electricity.土粒表面会有负电荷。The surface of the soil particle will have a negative charge.阴离子带负电荷的离子,尤指在电解过程中游离到阳极的阴离子A negatively charged ion especially the ion that migrates to an anode in electrolysis.由于电子是负电荷,所以为负极所排斥。The elect rons being negative charges arerepelled by the negative pole.在混合了果胶之后,複合物表面带负电荷。The surface charges were shifted from positive to negative after mixing with pectin.正,负电荷中心不重合的分子称为极性分子。A molecule where the centers do not coincide is called a polar molecule.正电荷吸引负电荷。Electrical positives attract electrical negatives.


负电荷 negative charge

