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太保的英文翻译 太保英文怎幺说 太保的英文例句



[tài bǎo]

    Taibao or Taipao city in Chiayi county 嘉义县|嘉义县

city [siti]


county [kaunti]



她的观点太保守。She's so conventional in her views.他从不成气候的小太保慢慢混到黑手党的头儿。He went from being a small-time hood to a mafia kingpin.对独家代理来讲,这样一个年销售量您不觉得太保守了吗?Don't you think this annual turnover for a sole agent is rather conservative?但是,国际米兰的打法似乎太保守了。But inter often play defensively.盖世太保很快就会来敲门。Soon the gestapo's knocking on the door for real.盖世太保一收掉你的布鲁明戴尔信用卡,你就会乖乖地全招了。The gestapo would take away your charge card and you'd tell'em everything.盖世太保用来关押骗子的房间…The room the gestapo reserves for pathetic crooks...盖世太保有理由相信此事吗?And the gestapo has only "reason to believe"?盖世太保执行勤务时,不受民法约束,其行动且不受制于司法上诉。The gestapo operated without civil restraints and its actions were not subject to judicial appeal.妈妈的观点太保守。Mother is so conventional in her views.你要告诉我盖世太保?You want to tell me about the gestapo?你怎幺可以像盖世太保一样…How can you come in like the gestapo...在盖世太保的眼中…In the eyes of the gestapo...盖世太保的属于或有关纳粹政体组织下的德国安全员警的,或显示其特点的Of relating to or characteristic of the german security police organized under the nazi regime.

