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    obituary notice

obituary [ә'bitjuәri; (-) ә'bitʃueri]

    n.讣告 adj.死亡的

notice [nәutis]

    n.通知,布告,注意 v.注意到


我从未想过看到人家死,但有几段讣闻,我是欣然拜读过了。I never want to see anybody die, but there are a few obituary notices I have read with pleasure.她丈夫去世时,她在报纸上登了讣告。When her husband died, she put an announcement in the newspaper.他的讣闻还写成亨利梅尔维尔That in his obituary they called him henry melville.我死后如果有讣告的话.If there had been an obituary.埃文斯撰写了史达林的讣告。Evans wrote an obituary of stalin.马丁在报上看见好友的讣告,感到非常震惊。Death notice necrology martin was very shocked to see his best friend's obituary in the newspaper.你知不知道我曾每天翻报纸找你的讣闻Do you know I used to look in the papers every day for your obituary?他看过这孩子的讣告So he read the kid's obituary.提尔伯里的讣告字版送到备用架上的时候,被弄乱了。On its way to the standing-galley tilbury's notice got pied.提尔伯里死讯有足够的时间上《萨加摩尔週报》的讣告栏,只因一点点疏漏却没能上去。Dead in abundant time to get into that week's sagamore too and only shut out by an accident;我是不是应该亲自写讣告?Should I file my own obit?我死后如果有讣告的话…If there had been an obituary...也就是说每则新增的讣文会在报纸上连续刊登七个版。Any obituary added runs through the next six editions until the publishing cycle has been completed.

