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磨蹭的英文翻译 磨蹭英文怎幺说 磨蹭的英文例句




    to gently stroke
    to brush lightly
    to move slowly

gently [dʒentli]


stroke [strәuk]

    n.击,敲,报时的钟声,(网球等)一击,(划船等)一划,(绘画等)一笔,一次努力,打击 vt.抚摸

brush [brʌʃ]

    n.刷子,毛刷,画笔 vt.刷,掸,拂

lightly [laitli]



祸来大步流星,祸去磨磨蹭蹭。Evil come to us by ell and go away by inch.别磨磨蹭蹭了,快点儿吧:咱们晚了。Stop dawdling and hurry up: we're late.你吃饭别再磨蹭啦,我们不想误火车。Don't dally over your meal we don't want to miss our train.别磨蹭了--把你的东西打包,然后我们就能走了。Don't dillydally--just pack your things and then we can go!别磨磨蹭蹭的,快点!Don't dilly dally hurry up!赶快,别磨蹭了!Come on don't dawdle!没时间磨蹭了,几分钟后记者招待会就要开始了。There will be not time to linger---the press conference will begin in a few minutes.磨蹭浪费时间,尤指犹豫不定;閑混或踌躇To waste time especially in indecision; dawdle or vacillate.看,谁是个磨磨蹭蹭的家伙?So who's a slowpoke?那个油漆匠真会磨蹭。That painter really takes his time.您先别忙;这可显着太有精神,太有决断了;还得再带点儿磨磨蹭蹭的样子才成。Wait please; you betray too much vigor too much decision; you want more of a shamble.我们在路上走的时候,我妹妹一直拖着脚步磨蹭。My sister was scuffing her feet as we walked down the road.


别再磨磨蹭蹭 pull her finger out; pull his finger out; pull my finger out; pull our finger out; pull their finger out; pull your finger out

在...上磨蹭 dawdle over

在...处磨蹭 mess about; mess around

慢慢磨蹭 fool along

磨蹭地干活 putter about; putter around

