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蹋的英文翻译 蹋英文怎幺说 蹋的英文例句



    step on

step [step]

    n.脚步,步幅,步调,步伐,步骤,措施,梯级,台阶 v.走,举步,移步,踏 产品资料转换规範


他想到自己堕落的日子、破灭的希望和糟蹋了的身体。He thought of his degraded days dead hopes and wrecked faculties.她从不因贪睡而糟蹋容颜和身体;She doth not with lying long abed spoil both her complexion and conditions;我从来没有见过花椰菜被这样糟蹋L never saw such cauliflower carnage.在…方面犯了很愚蠢且通常很严重的错误;糟蹋。"To make a stupid usually serious error in; botch."这会糟蹋了院子的美景It'd spoil the picture.这就够了!国在厉声说道,“作这有们老是糟蹋我的百姓,说他们是叫化子。That's enough! Shouted the king "writers always speak evil of my people the beggars."种花草太糟蹋了!你听我的话,在这里放一只弹子台!"Waste this on plants? You take my advice and have billiard table here."被糟蹋掉的穀物数量极大。The spoilage of corn was considerable.不要糟蹋你的才华。Don't let your talents rust.你在糟蹋你的身体。You are ruin your health.他似乎能出色地做每件事一弹钢琴,滑雪,跳踢蹋舞。He seems to do everything brilliantly-piano playing skiing tap-dancing.我不会糟蹋这本书,I will not spoil this book由于排字不好而糟蹋全文Mangle a text by poor typesetting这次你搞糟蹋了!This time you screwed up!


糟蹋 went to waste

