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否定的英文翻译 否定英文怎幺说 否定的英文例句




    to negate
    to deny
    to reject

negate [ni'geit]


deny [di'nai]



也就是说是否定的价值判断Meaning there is a negative value judgment behind colonist因为他的错误而否定他的功绩,同样不是唯物主义的态度。Neither is it a materialist approach to deny his contributions because of his mistakes.尤用于否定句和疑问句中P in negative sentences and questions有两种表示否定的方法。There are two ways to express negation.右派否定人民事业的成绩。The rightists negate the achievements in the people's cause.这是一个否定的价值判断That makes a negative value judgment.


不作为犯因果关係否定说 negative view on causation of omission

不分好坏全盘否定 throw out the baby with the bathwater

不正确否定的风险 risk of incorrect rejection

作肯定否定回答 answer in the affirmative

双重否定 double negation

否定 sublate

否定事实 negative facts

否定代表资格 decertification

否定例证 negative instance

否定保证 negative pledge

否定冲突 negative conflict

否定判决 negative judgment

否定名 rejected name否定名

否定地 in the negative

否定妄想 delusion of negation

否定开支 no admission charge

否定性罢工 negative strike

否定新颖性 negative novelty

否定条件 negative condition

否定标準 negative standard

否定的 in the negative

否定的法律事实 negative legal fact

否定的确认之诉 negative action of confirmation

否定的答覆 negative answer

否定票 negative vote

否定股股权 vetoing stock

否定讯号 negative acknowledge

否定证明 negative proof

否定追索权 recourse repudiation

否定 negative

