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纷争的英文翻译 纷争英文怎幺说 纷争的英文例句




    to dispute

dispute [di'spju:t]

    v.争论,辩论,怀疑,抗拒,阻止,争夺(土地,胜利等) n.争论,辩论,争吵


政治问题常引起纷争。Political question often cause dissension.仲裁者折衷调解沣了他们的纷争。An arbiter compromised their differences.自己都心烦意乱疲于布阵的白宫对这次的纷争也无暇顾及。Distracted and embattled itself the white house has barely paid attention to the fracas.暴怒的人挑?争端;忍怒的人止息纷争。A wrathful man stirreth up strife; but he who is slow to anger appeaseth strife.儘量充当和事佬,就没有太多纷争。Act as peacemaker and delete disputes.派别间的冲突、纷争等Communal strife disturbances etc有人请秘书长来调解这次纷争。The secretary-general was asked to mediate in the dispute.这个家五年来一直是敌意和纷争的温床。This household has been a seed-bed of ill-will and strife for five years.箴6:14心中乖僻、常设恶谋、布散纷争。Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil who spreads strife.


内部纷争 internal disturbance

司法纷争 judicial controversy

同...解决纷争 make one''s with

界线纷争 demarcation claim; dispute over boundary line

纷争 difference; dispute; wrangle

经司法途径解决纷争 judicial solution of a dispute

领土纷争 territorial controversy; territorial difference

