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邓尼斯的英文翻译 邓尼斯英文怎幺说 邓尼斯的英文例句



[dān ní sī]

    Dennis (name)

Dennis ['dεnɪs]


name [neim]

    n.名字,名称,姓名,名誉 vt.命名,提名,叫出,指定 adj.姓名的,据以取名的


一看见这大熊,邓尼斯就用一种令人毛骨悚然的低声说道:“幼熊!”The very moment he saw the bear denys said in a sickening whisper: "the cub!"邓尼斯,给这位先生一个痰盂Denise would you bring the gentleman a spittoon?邓尼斯d。玛丽凯萨琳和欧文。西部高地白色小猎犬。Dennis d.mary and catherine owen.the west highland white terrier.但是,邓尼斯•罗德曼可是个令人头疼的家伙。Dennis rodman seems like a hard guy to keep on track.伏尔泰先生的侄女邓尼斯夫人一直对我非常之好。Madame denis the niece of voltaire had been extremely good to me.可以听到邓尼斯喃喃自语,埋怨我愚蠢。Denis could be heard muttering to himself about my stupidity.雷?罗曼诺、约翰?李昆萨默和邓尼斯?赖瑞则分别为这三位英雄配音。Ray romano john leguizamo and denis leary are the voices of the three heroes.年,英国亨利一世国王在诺曼第的圣?邓尼斯朗甫门特因过量食用八目鳗鱼死于食物中毒。Henry I of england dies of food poisoning from a surfeit of lampreys at st.让曼联降级的不是邓尼斯•劳,是伯明罕城队。Denis law did not relegate manchester united.birmingham city did.圣•邓尼斯那具木乃伊化的乾瘪尸体躺在教堂中一口装饰华丽的灵柩内。St denis's shrivelled mummified body lies in an ornate coffin in the church.事实上,我老早就知道斯特拉文斯基这个人了,大约12岁的时候,我向邓尼斯老师学习钢琴。I actually knew about stravinsky very early on in my life.虽然邓尼斯?提多饱受太空晕机之苦,不过回来时倒是精神奕奕。Though dennis tito suffered from space sickness he arrived back in good shape.他觉得邓尼斯会说你在凯斯拉夫的审判上作伪证He expected denise to say that you perjured yourself at cheslav's inquiry.


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