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焚烧的英文翻译 焚烧英文怎幺说 焚烧的英文例句




    to burn
    set on fire

burn [bә:n]

    v.烧,烧焦,点(灯),使感觉烧热 n.烧伤,灼伤

set [set]

    v.放,置,移动到,使(人或事物处于某种状态),提出,树立,规定,调整;n.一套,一副,一批,接受机,装置,趋势,布景;adj.固定的,规定的,坚决的,固执的,事先做好的;Secure Electronics Transations Protocol,安全电子商务协定

fire [faiә(r)]

    n.火,炉火,火灾,失火,闪光,炮火,热情,激情 vt.点燃,烧制,使发光,给(炉子等)加燃料,放枪,激动,解雇 vi.开枪,射击,着火,烧火,激动


尾气焚烧炉温度过高时报警。Alarm when temperature of tail gas incinerator is excessively high.无烟、无臭、无二次公害、乾燥兼焚烧、运转费低。Smokeless and odorless.the operation cost is low.伊莎贝尔:一个真正的狮鹫帝国女皇会与恶魔结为夫妻?杀死哥德里克?焚烧农民?Isabel: would a true griffin queen consort with demons? Kill godric? Burn peasants?印度的寡妇自愿在丈夫葬礼的柴堆上焚烧自己。The act of a hindu widow willingly cremating herself on the funeral pyre of her dead husband.用作尾气焚烧炉风机冷却介质;For cooling medium of fan of tail gas incinerator;在高温熔融炉上进行了污泥的焚烧试验研究。Experiment of sewage sludge incineration was performed in melting furnace.


劫掠和纵火焚烧 rapine and red ruin

带状焚烧 strip burning

微粒污染物焚烧炉 fume incinerator

流化床焚烧 fluidized combustion

流化床焚烧炉 fluidized bed incinerator

海上焚烧专门工作组 Ad Hoc Working Group on Incineration at Sea

焚烧 burn; set on fire

焚烧炉 incinerator

焚烧率 burning ratio

船用多功能焚烧炉 marine multifunctional incinerator

船用废油焚烧炉 marine waste oil incinerator

船用焚烧炉 marine incinerator

船用焚烧炉锅炉组合装置 marine incinerator boiler composite plant

补燃器焚烧 afterburner incineration

锅炉焚烧炉联合装置 boiler-incinerator composite

