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弹回的英文翻译 弹回英文怎幺说 弹回的英文例句



[dàn huí]

    to rebound

rebound [ri:baund]

    n.回弹 v.回弹


他被一颗流弹弹回所伤。He was hit by a start bullet by ricochet.弹回,跳回弹回,如因开火而弹回To spring back as upon firing.当声音从鱼或岩石反弹回来时,海豚再次听到回声。When the noise bounces off a fish or a rock the dolphin hears the echo come back again.球击中篮板反弹回来。The ball hit the backboard and bounced off the ring.然而,如果血管壁弹回,或是纤维组织继续生长,动脉在手术之后常常还是会变得狭窄。Yet arteries often renarrowed if walls recoiled or if fibrous tissue grew.突然而猛烈地弹回。Kick back to recoil unexpectedly and violently.弹回,跳回跳回或弹回;反沖A springing or bounding back; a recoil.他让门弹回来打着了我--真是个讨嫌的家伙!He let the door swing back on me--what a charmer!跳,反弹撞击物体或物体表面后弹回To rebound after having struck an object or a surface.跳飞,跳弹至少一次地从表面上弹回。Ricochet to rebound at least once from a surface.我的同伴打出最后一张王牌;他笨拙地接弹回的球My partner's play of the last trump; his clumsy play of the rebound.


从...处反弹回去 carom from; carom off

从...弹回 bounce from; bounce off; bound from; rebound from

弹回 bounce back; bound back; rebound; rebound from; rebound upon; spin away; whip back

拜占庭弹回 Byzantine resilience

猛弹回来 fly back

