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耽的英文翻译 耽英文怎幺说 耽的英文例句



    to indulge in
    to delay

indulge [in'dʌldʒ]


delay [di'lei]

    v.耽搁,延迟,延期,迟滞 n.耽搁,延迟,迟滞


他们说,他们不该耽误她的工作时间。They should not trespass on her time they said.他们遭到小小的耽搁。They suffered a minor set back.头重脚轻、效率低下的官僚制度常常把简单的决定耽误几个月。A top-heavy and inefficient bureaucracy often slows simple decisions for months.拖延行为上缓慢;耽搁To be tardy in acting; procrastinate.我们被船的沈重和缓慢所耽误。We are impeded by the heaviness and slowness of our vessel.我们的行李在阿姆斯特丹莫名其妙被耽搁了。Our luggage was unaccountably delayed in amsterdam.我们的旅行持续了7天,航程中因雾、风和西南方向的强气流耽误了些时间。Our journey took us seven days with delays for fog wind and a turbulent southwesterly airflow.因罢工而受阻的旅客本週末要耽搁很长时间了。Strikebound travellers face long delays this weekend.因道路施工在m4公路上发生耽搁。There are delays on the m4because of roadworks.在改装后的机器可操作之前会有一段耽搁时间。There will be a delay before the modified machines are operable.在任何时候都不要耽搁太长时间,因为你不想你的对手占上风。In any event don't put it off to long as you don't want your opponent to get the upper hand.长时间的耽搁、讨论、询问。Protracted delays discussions questioning


在市场上耽误过久而坐失良机 overstay

期日耽误 delay of time limit

期间耽误 delay of duration

港口耽搁日 lay day

港口耽搁日数 lay days

耽延 normal stoppage

耽搁 hold off; hold under; set back

耽搁损失 loss caused by delay

耽误 be in arrear

耽误供货 lagged delivery; late delivery; delay in the delivery of goods

耽误最后期限日期 miss the cancelling date

