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单倍体的英文翻译 单倍体英文怎幺说 单倍体的英文例句



[dān bèi tǐ]

    haploid (single chromosome)

haploid [hæplɔid]

    n.[生物]单倍体,仅有一组染色体的细胞 adj.单一的

single [siŋg(ә)l]

    adj.单一的,单身的,单纯的,孤独的,专一的,个别的 n.一个,单打,单精确度型 vt.选出 vi.[棒]作一垒打

chromosome [krәumәsәum]



确切的单倍体数目倍增被称为整倍体。An exact multiple of the haploid number is called euploid.染色体数不是单倍体的整数倍。Having a chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the haploid number.受精过程中,单倍体配子融合,恢复了二倍体的染色体数目。At fertilization when the haploid gametes fuse the diploid number of chromosomes is restored.五倍体的有五个单倍体组成染色体的Having five haploid sets of chromosomes.一个包含二倍体数目染色体而不是通常单倍体数目染色体的配子。A gamete containing a diploid number of chromosomes rather than the usual haploid number.有多于单倍体两倍染色体的细胞或有机体。An organism or cell having more than twice the haploid number of chromosomes.原核授精的核聚变之前的精子或卵子的单倍体核The haploid nucleus of a sperm or egg before fusion of the nuclei in fertilization.这样的双核体显然不能独立于单倍体阶段而存在。Such a dikaryon cannot apparently exist independently of the haploid phase.从实生群体里曾经得到过单倍体桃。Monoploid peaches have been obtained from seedling populations.


单倍体 haploid

单倍体化 haploidization

单倍体数 haploid number

单倍体相同的供者 haploidentical donor

单倍体组 haploid set

单倍体育种 haploid breeding

双单倍体 dihaploid, amphihaploid

同源多倍单倍体 autopolyhaploid

异源单倍体 allohaploid

异源多倍单倍体 allopolyhaploid

整单倍体 euhaploid

附加单倍体 addition haploid

非整倍单倍体 aneuhaploid

