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风行的英文翻译 风行英文怎幺说 风行的英文例句




    to become fashionable
    to catch on
    to be popular

become [bi'kʌm]

    vi.变成,成为,变得 vt.适合,相称

fashionable [fæʃnәb(ә)l]


catch [kætʃ]

    n.捕捉,捕获物,(窗)钩 v.捕获,赶上(车船等),发觉,感染(疾病) vi.抓住,燃着


没有重的前沿导致风筝对逆风行驶。No heavy leading edge causing the kite to luff.命令“开拓者”号和“大黄蜂”号迎风行驶Let's get enterprise and hornet turned into the wind.转帆:顺风行驶时将主帆从船的一侧转到另一侧。Jibe: to shift the mainsail from one side to the other when sailing with the wind behind; also gybe.东方真丝或其仿製品的风行。A vogue for real or imitation oriental silks.美国大众文化的风行加深了魏玛文化的混乱。The fad of america mass culture deepened the chaoses of weimar society.水手不祈祷顺风,他学会逆风行驶。The sailor does not pray for a tail wind; he learns to sail against the wind.唯灵论曾是一种时尚,风行了半个世纪之久。Spiritualism was a fad in full flower for half a century.这种服装新款式在欧洲风行。The new fashion overran europe.


使帆船以顺风改向逆风行驶 box hauling

使帆船顺风行驶时掉换帆舷 gybing

使船离风行驶 box off

儘量逆风行驶 peg to windward

左右舷抢风行驶 sail on the port tack; sail on the starboard tack

抢风行驶 luff up

突然风行全国 sweep the country; swept the country

迎斜风行驶 beaten about

逆风行驶 beat up; had the weather; have the weather; keep the weather; kept the weather; sail close to the wind

顺风行驶 fill away; luff up; off the wind; run before the wind

风行 in fashion; the rage

风行一时 have a great vogue; the rage

