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但的英文翻译 但英文怎幺说 但的英文例句




yet [jet]

    adv.仍,至今,益发,更 conj.然而,但是

however [hau'evә(r)]

    adv.无论如何,可是,仍然,究竟 conj.不管用何种方法,然而,可是


“喂,你快走开!”但是鸭子也一动不动。The hen said "scat" but the duck just sat.“真理可能衰微,但不会灭亡”Truth may languish but can never perish.…但怀旧应该是在博物馆里... But nostalgia belongs in a museum.…但你会继续唱下去... But you sing along anyway.…但是我觉得自己刻意保持和他的距离... But then I feel myself put this wall up...…但是我在《盆镇斯海盗》中出演过三次... But I starred in pirates ot penzance three times.…但我都第三次扮演“潘赞斯的海盗”了... But I starred in pirates of penzance three times.


一段长的但不确定的时间 blue moon

不但 not only

不但...而且 as well as

不愿辩护但不承认有罪的申诉 nolo contendere

不承但义务的 noncommittal

个别部件发生故障时工作可靠但性能下降 fail passive; fail soft

乐于观火但不纵火的人 firebug

事虽未成但仍领会其心意 take the will for the deed

价高利低但可靠的投资性股票 investment stock

但不是不 not but what

但书 proviso; saving clause

但事实上 as it is

但威尔匹染涤棉耐久定形细斜纹布 Dantwill

但尼尔 denier

但愿 please god

但愿不是如此 perish the thought

但愿如此 so be it

但愿是 it is desirable that

但愿老走这种好运 touch wood

但是 but then; but yet

但是为了 but for

但是另一方面却 but then

但是可以调整的汇率 fixed but adjustable exchange rate

但是裁决 non obstante verdicto

但照样 but all the same

但特雷尔免烫耐久定形床单及枕套 Dantrel

但赔协会通知款书 club calls

但赛特匹染涤棉耐久定形织物 Dansette

但还是 but yet

但除非 not but

