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迷住的英文翻译 迷住英文怎幺说 迷住的英文例句




    to fascinate
    to strongly attract
    to obsess

fascinate [fæsineit]

    vt.使着迷,使神魂颠倒 vi.入迷,极度迷人的

strongly [strɔŋli]


attract [ә'trækt]

    vt.吸引 vi.有吸引力,引起注意


这里的异国情调风格将会把您深深地迷住。The exotic atmosphere will fascinate you.但是,她只不过把你迷住了,就好像迷住米奇一样But listen she pulled the wool over you eyes just as much as mitch's.而我被伦敦的新景象所迷住,真是多姿多彩。And I am enchanted with the new london colorful.孩子们让热带鱼给迷住了。The children are fascinated by the tropical fish.儘管我不是一名观察研究野鸟的学者,但是当我第一眼看到那可爱的海鹦,就被它迷住了。Although I was not a bird watcher my first glimpse of the adorable puffin won me over.老妖婆用咒语把公主迷住了。The wicked old woman charmed the princess with magic words.使呆住使不动;被迷住To hold motionless; spellbind.他被她的美丽与活泼迷住了。He was charmed by her beauty and vivacity.他被她迷住了。He is stuck on her.他好像被其他东西迷住了Something else seemed to obsess him.他看上去一定是被你迷住了Well he certainly seems smitten with you.她是一位意志坚强的女性,乔很快就被她迷住了。She was a strong-willed woman and joe gradually fell under her spell.我被你迷住了。I'm stuck on you.


被...迷住 fall under one''s spell; obsess by; obsess with

被迷住 be under a spell; enthrall with

迷住 be caught up in; cast a glamor over; cast a glamour over; cast a spell on; cast a spell over; take with

