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风头的英文翻译 风头英文怎幺说 风头的英文例句




    wind direction
    the way the wind blows
    fig. trend

wind [wind]

    n.风 v.绕,缠,上发条,旋紧

direction [di'rekʃ(ә)n]


way [wei]

    n.路,路线,路途,习惯,行业,规模,道路,情形 adj.中途,途中的 adv.远远地,大大地,非常


儘管几位名角演出都很出色, 却未曾想竟让一名新秀抢尽风头。Despite fine acting by several well-known stars it was a young newcomer who stole the show.这个足球运动员是个爱出风头的运动员。This footballer is a sportsman who likes to be in the spotlight.吉尔和她的那些爱出风头的朋友。Jill and her swanky friends.女童子军就是爱出风头。And I thought girl scouts were pushy.三年里他出够了风头。For3years he lived in the limelight.他从来就不是一个想拔尖儿出风头的人。He has never been one to hog the limelight.他年轻时很愿意穿上朝服出出风头。As a young man he had quite liked to put on court dress and cut a dash.他只有出风头时才高兴。He was only happy when he was in the limelight.她总想争出风头。She's always trying to grab the limelight.我是一个爱出风头的,口是心非的,别有用心的大学生I'm a pushy duplicitous ambitious college student.我小时候常常爱出风头。As a child I was inclined to be an exhibitionist.油价高起,生态汽车在东京车展上大出风头。Ecologically-friendly cars grab limelight at tokyo auto show thanks to soaring oil prices.有人就喜欢在公共场合出风头。Somebody likeks to show off in public.


出风头 push oneself forward

大出风头 cut a dash

抢出风头 steal the show

水风头 n. downcast header

