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    (Catholic) Mass

catholic [kæθәlik]

    n.天主教徒 adj.天主教的

mass [mæs]

    n.块,大多数,品质,群众,大量 adj.群众的,大规模的,集中的 vt.使集合 vi.聚集


应答轮唱圣诗弥撒的开端,通常由讚美诗篇、轮流应答吟唱的颂歌以及《荣耀颂》组成The beginning of the mass usually consisting of a psalm verse an antiphon and the gloria patri.在安魂弥撒上的女孩子比金属音乐会上的还多There's more pussy at a black mass than there is at a metaillca concert.在做守夜弥撒之前,9。30的时候先唱圣诞颂歌。The vigil mass will be preceded by a carol service at9.30pm.15日将在圣约瑟教堂为他举行安魂弥撒。There will be a requiem mass for him at st joseph's church on the15th.带音乐的庄重详细的弥撒。A solemn and elaborate mass with music.到了快离开时,他决计用主教的仪式做一场大弥撒。When the time of his departure approached he resolved to chant a te deum pontifically.没有音乐地诵经的弥撒。A mass recited without music.欧坦主教塔列朗主持了弥撒仪式。A mass was celebrated by talleyrand bishop of autun.神木;弥撒中最神圣的时刻。A numinous wood; the most numinous moment in the mass.我怀念昔日的罗马天主教弥撒及其仪式。I miss the old latin mass and its ritual.追思曲:为该弥撒所作的乐曲。A musical composition for such a mass.


弥撒 Mass

红衣弥撒 Red Mass

