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打量的英文翻译 打量英文怎幺说 打量的英文例句




    to size sb up
    to take measure of
    to suppose

size [saiz]

    n.大小,尺寸,(衣服等)尺码 vt.依大小排列

up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的

take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

measure [meʒә(r)]

    n.尺寸,量度器,量度标準,方法,测量,措施 vt.测量,测度,估量,分派,权衡,调节 vi.量


冷冷的打量了我一眼,说:你找谁?I size up a cold glance: if you turn to?母亲用不相信的眼神上下打量着我,Mother looked me up and down with unbelieving eyes那些玩牌的人默默地打量着他,虽然很不明显,但却十分仔细。Those playing made that quiet study of him which is so unapparent and yet invariably so searching.疲惫不堪的女主人用和蔼可亲而又心不在焉的目光打量了他们一会儿。She glanced at them a moment with the benign but vacant eye of the tired hostess.他不怀好意地打量我。He sized me up viciously.他没趣地打量着自己周围的一动不动的蜡像。He looked without much interest at the unmoving figures all around him.他们上下打量走廊,好象看着空旷的大海一样。They look up and down the corridor as if scanning an open sea.她仔细打量着他。She looked at him narrowly.她站着用沉思的目光打量他。She stood looking at him with meditative eyes.夜色中,他们相互打量着对方的脸色。By the night-light there they read each other's face.这个陌生人打量着自己四周美妙的景象。The stranger looked about him at the wonderful new sights.我们走走吧,“他快乐地说,站起身来打量着这个可爱的公园。He said gayly rising and surveying all the lovely park.


上下打量 look up and down

打量 eye from to; roll at

