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密切注意的英文翻译 密切注意英文怎幺说 密切注意的英文例句



[mìqiē zhùyì]

    close attention (to sth)

close [klәus]

    v.关,关闭,结束,停止,使靠近,靠拢,会合,包围 n.结束 adj.近的,紧密的,精密的,齐根的,封闭的,亲密的,闷气的 adv.接近,紧密地

attention [ә'tenʃ(ә)n]



    abbr 缩写 = South: Sth Pole, eg on a map 南极(如标于地图上的)


要密切注意病人病情可能突然变化。Be on the watch for a sudden change in the patient's condition.他们密切注意那个强盗。They kept a wary eye on the robber.警方正密切注意嫌疑犯的行动。The police are watching out for the suspect.我们应该密切注意财务问题。We must take a hard look at our finances.密切注意;严格监督Close attention; close supervision.他密切注意空间技术方面的新趋势。He's keeping an eye out for modern trends in space technology.对警告密切注意;非常留心的作者;密切注意他们的举动。Heedful of the warnings; so heedful a writer; heedful of what they were doing.你若能更密切注意当有好处。It would profit you to pay clc~ er attention.你要密切注意对方的中锋——他是一个了不起的人。You want to watch out for the other team's centre forward-he's hot stuff.资本管理方面尤其需要密切注意游资流动的动态。Capital management especially needs to advent meticulously the trends of the idle fund.各单位密切注意附近的克瑞肖和斯脱克Officer on radio.; Attention all units in the vicinity of crenshaw and stocker.你本来应该密切注意你的拼写和发音。You should have paid close attention to your spelling and pronunciation.


密切注意 eye with; mind away; mind out

密切注意舆论动向 keep an ear to the ground

