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民意的英文翻译 民意英文怎幺说 民意的英文例句




    public opinion
    popular will
    public will

public [pʌblik]

    n.公众,(特定的)人群,公共场所 adj.公众的,公共的,公立的,公用的

opinion [ә'pinjәn]


popular [pɔpjulә(r)]


will [wil]

    n.意志,决心,意向,遗嘱 v.aux.将,愿意,必须


内阁改组是为了提高总统在民意测验中的声望。The cabinet shuffle is intended to improve the president's popularity in the opinion polls你看到新的zogby民意测验了吗?Have you seen the new zogby polls?你说这是个民意测验?An opinion poll you say?首相的民意测验信誉评分已到达了最低点。The prime minister's opinion poll ratings have hit rock bottom.他们作了一次民意调查。They made a survey of public opinion.台湾的主流民意是什幺?What is the mainstream public opinion in taiwan?我看过新一轮民意了I saw the latest tracking.我们将进行民意测验。We are going to conduct a public opinion poll.在职员中的快速民意测验表明政府处于领先地位。A straw poll among members of staff shows the government is in the lead.这两个党在民意测验中票数不分上下。The two parties were neck and neck in the polls.做了一个民意测验。A public opinion poll was made.


公民意识 consciousness of citizenship

民意 popular will; the will of the people

民意对策 public opinion game

民意机关 public body

民意测验 opinion survey; public opinion polls; test of opinion

民意测验,民意调查 opinion polls; public opinion survey; public opinion polls; opinion survey; opinion sounding; poll

民意测验所 pollster

民意测验者,民意调查者 pollster; polltacker

民意调查 public-opinion poll

民意调查人 polltaker; pollster

测验民意的假投票 straw vote

盖洛普民意测验 Gallup poll

进行民意测验 poll

