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带头的英文翻译 带头英文怎幺说 带头的英文例句




    to take the lead
    to be the first
    to set an example

take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

lead [li:d]

    vt.领导,引导,致使 vi.领导,(道路等)通向,导致,用水砣测深 n.领导,领先,导线,铅,(自船上测海水深度的)铅陲,石墨,铅笔芯

first [fә:st]

    adv.首先,最初,第一(列举条目等用),优先 adj.第一的 num.第一(个) n.开始,第一,(比赛)冠军


起带头作用的时装屋也作The fashion house that is the pacemaker.also called pacesetter它使法国取代英国成为欧洲联合的带头人;Third it makes france replace uk and become the leader of european community.讨论由谁来带头发言?Who is to lead off the discussion?我的同事大卫带头损了3万美元。My colleague david as a leading card has subscribed$ 30.000.我们应该带头为双职工家庭提供育儿设施。It's up to us to take the lead in providing child-care facilities for working parents.在上面放个带头巾的人Get another hooded guy on there.带头每天为我们提供家常便饭For spearheading the potluck dinner.目标是把带头的雄鹿追到精疲力尽The idea is to run the noble stag to the ground.


九道双隙写后读数磁带头 nine channel dual-gap read-after-write digital type head assembly

价格带头,价格领导,领格领先,价格领袖 price leadership; price leader

分配销售管道带头人 distribution channel captain

学科带头人 leaders in their chosen field of learning

带头 take the initiative; taken the initiative; takes the initiative; took the initiative

带头产业,带头工业 leading industry

带头螺栓 n. tap bolt

带头铆钉 n. tap rivet

磁带头标 beginning-of-tape marker

耐磨磁带头 wearresistant tape head

