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带回的英文翻译 带回英文怎幺说 带回的英文例句




    to bring back

bring [briŋ]

    vt.拿来,带来,产生,引起,提出(诉讼) vi.停下

back [bæk]

    adj.后面的,在后面,早过去的,前(欠)的钱 adv.向后地 n.背部,后面 v.后退,支持


他的声音将英格兰战局的情况带回给我们.. His voice brought the battle of britain home to us..他们带回了残杀掳掠的可怕消息。They brought back horrific accounts of murder and pillage.他说:“那件衣服太棒了,我带回来之后,我的两个儿子都想将它据为己有。”It was so good both my sons wanted to purloin it when I brought it back he said.我给我的一个妹妹带回一些品蓝色的。I brought back some royal blue ones for one of my sisters.我们要把奖品带回家。We're taking that trophy home.我们要把这鲨鱼带回实验室準备验尸We'll get this shark back to the lab and have them start a necropsy.我要把你带回sabra的领地。I'm taking you back to the sabra homeworld.现在我们把大家带回电视播音室。We are now returning you to the studio.译文:中东的集市仿佛把你带回到几百年、至几千年前的时代。The middle eastern bazaar takes you back hundreds-even thousands-of years.


将...带回家 bring home

带回 bear back; bore away; bore back; borne away; borne back; carry back

带回家 taken home; took home

带回执的邮务 certified mail

带回来 brought back; return with

带回流线的直接供电方式 direct feeding system with return wire

扣带回 cingulate gyrus

扣带回切开术 cingulotomy

扣带回峡 isthmus of cingulate gyrus

由下一班回程邮递带回 by return of post

由原班回程邮递带回 by return

由原送信人带回 by return of post

螺旋雨带回波 spiral rain band echo热带风暴和颱风区雨带呈螺旋状排列的回波。

