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代管的英文翻译 代管英文怎幺说 代管的英文例句




    to administer
    to manage
    to hold in trust or escrow

administer [әd'ministә(r)]


manage [mænidʒ]

    vi.处理,应付过去 vt.管理,控制,操纵,维持,运用,搞成,设法,达成

hold [hәuld]

    n.把握,把持力,柄,控制,监禁,掌握,货舱 vt.拿着,保存,支援,佔据,持有,拥有 vi.支持,保持,有效 n.控制,保留

trust [trʌst]

    vt.信任,信赖,盼望,希望,赊卖,热望,切望 n.(~ in) 信任,信赖


这笔钱委託他人代管,到他二十一岁才能使用。The money is being held in trust for him until he is twenty-one.英国受权代管德国在东非的前殖民地。Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.代管汽车分期付款的到期帐目是当今一桩巨大的业务。Factoring in connection with automobile installment accounts is a big business today.冠状动脉替代管;胃替代管A coronary artery bypass; a gastric bypass.她患病期间生意曾由她女儿代管。When she fall ill her daughter take over the business from her.我代管我叔父的财产已有三年了。I factor ed my uncle's estate for three years.


代管 held in trust

代管人 administrator; administratrix; managing agent

代管基金 escrow fund

代管职责 obligations to administer on behalf of another

代管资产 assets held for clients

失蹤人的财产代管人 administrator of a missing person''s property

实产代管人 real representative

房地产代管人 estate agent

擅自代管行为 unauthorized administration

法定委託的财产代管 judicial sequestation

财产代管人 administrator; administratrix; receiver; sequestrator

