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名下的英文翻译 名下英文怎幺说 名下的英文例句




    under sb's name

under [ʌndә(r)]

    prep.在...之下,在...之内,在...领导下,低于,假借 adv.在下

name [neim]

    n.名字,名称,姓名,名誉 vt.命名,提名,叫出,指定 adj.姓名的,据以取名的


她实现了自己成为一名下院议员的抱负。She attained her ambition of becoming an m.p.在采邑的土地法律中,佃户的严重犯罪行为可导致其保有的土地转利到地主名下。In feudal land law the commission of a felony by a tenant caused his land to pass to his lord.这房子是在我名下的,我随时有权回来。Dg: this is my house under my name so I have every right to come in.这个船坞归属他的家族名下已达4代之久。The boatyard bad been in his family for four generations.这辆车登记在epsilon公司名下The car is registered to an epsilon corporation.儘管斯蒂恩出身低微,他却成为了一名下院议员。Despite his humble origins steen went on to become a mamber of parliament.开到救世军名下的一张支票。A cheque in favour of the salvation army.你名下是不是有个冷冻系统?A refrigeration system on your property.如您能退票并将支票款额记在约翰哈珀的名下,我们将不胜感谢。We would appreciate your refunding their price making check payable to john harper.


死者名下财产份额 dead man''s part

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