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待发的英文翻译 待发英文怎幺说 待发的英文例句



[dài fā]

    due out;dueout;clear to send;committed;due-out

due [dju:; (-) du:]

    n.应得物、权力,[複]应付款 adj.应得的,应付的,正当的,预期的,(车、船预定)应到的

out [aut]

    adj.外面的,下台的,出局的 adv.在外,出声地,显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地 n.外面,外出,外观 vt.赶出,击倒,使退场 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通过

clear [kliә(r)]

    adj.清楚的,清晰的,清澈的,光亮的,空旷的,有条理的 adv.清楚地,完全地 v.扫除,清除,晴,跳过,净得

send [send]


committed [kə'mɪtɪd]

    adj (usu approv 通常作褒义) devoted (to a cause, one's job, etc) (对事业、 本职工作等)尽忠的,坚定的: a committed Christian, doctor, teacher, communist虔诚的基督徒、 尽责的医生、 严师、 坚定的共产党员. Cf 参看 uncommitted


候命待发,前往威廉城En route to fort william henry and bearing dispatches.儘管我们仍然有数份待发货订单要赶完,但是我们已完成任务过半。We're over the hump at work although we've still got several back orders to catch up on.她的双眉像待发的弯弓,Her brows like bended bows do stand广播网正整装待发,準备报导The network is picking up the feed.新型的听诊器有待发明。A new-type stethoscope has yet to be invented.邮件大小超出了外寄邮件大小限制。Message size exceeds outgoing message size limit.这里的职员和志愿者都已经整装待发等待着帮助您计画你的旅程。Our staff and volunteers are ready to assist in planning your trip to the oak park area.


待发 due-out

待发令起跑 be under starter''s orders

待发行的银行券 bank notes to be issued

待发行银行券 bank note to be issued

待发货 back order

快门待发装置 shutter cocking

等待发令开跑 come under starter''s orders

