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风洞的英文翻译 风洞英文怎幺说 风洞的英文例句



[fēng dòng]

    wind tunnel

wind [wind]

    n.风 v.绕,缠,上发条,旋紧

tunnel [tʌn(ә)l]



风阻係数是在风洞中确定的。The drag coefficient is determined in a wind tunnel.设想风洞具有均匀的气流是不正确的。It is not correct to think of the wind tunnel having uniform flow.我们获许使用他们的风洞And we secured permission to use their wind tunnel.我们用来做风洞类比的模型Scale models we use in wind tunnel tests.我是本•马吉拉,这是风洞表演I'm bam margera and this is the wind tunnel.用模型飞机在风洞里类比飞行Simulate flight using a model plane in a wind tunnel用于风洞试验的模型终点资料管理系统Model bourne data management system for wind tunnel testingfinal rept jul90-feb91在每秒20米的风洞实验中,吹蚀模数几乎为零。In the experiment under the20m s wind tunnel conditions the wind abrasion modulus is almost zero.摘要高超声速推进风洞是进行超燃冲压发动机模型地面类比的重要试验设备。Hypersonic propulsion test facility is important for the scramjet ground tests.


低速风洞 low speed wind tunnel

变密度风洞 variable density tunnel

叶栅风洞 cascade wind tunnel

开孔壁风洞 perforated-throat wind tunnel

推进风洞 propulsion wind tunnel

桥樑模型风洞试验 bridge model wind tunnel test

森林产品实验所风洞试验 Forest Products Laboratory Tunnel Test

气象风洞 meteorological wind tunnel类比大气运动的实验装置。

激波管风洞 shock tube wind tunnel

电弧风洞 arc tunnel

管风洞 n. pipe tunnel

风洞 air channel; blow down tunnel; eight foot tunnel; flume

风洞光栅测控系统 tunnel grating measurement and control system

风洞几何形状 wind tunnel geometry

风洞测试仪器 wind-tunnel instrument

风洞燃烧试验 fire tube test

风洞理论 n. channel theory

风洞电脑 wind-tunnel computer

风洞试验 tunnel test

