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分不清的英文翻译 分不清英文怎幺说 分不清的英文例句




    confound with

confound [kәn'faund]



我总分不清他和他的孪生兄弟。I always confounded him with his twin brother.我总是分不清约翰和他的哥哥,他们长得太像了。I always confuse John with his brother; they are very much alike.我分不清我的两个侄女。I can't tell my two nieces apart.分不清生活中何者为重Of what's important in life.还从来没有遇见过象老张那样无知的人。他竟然连好坏都分不清。I've never met any ignoramus like lao zhang.he can't even separate the sheep from the goat.你分不清爱和一个平民的贪婪You don't know the difference between love and a commoner's lust.他第一次到农村时,分不清小麦和韭菜。He could not tell wheat from leek when he first came to the countryside.外国人分不清普通话的四个声调。Foreigners are confused by the four tones in mandarin chinese.我分不清玫瑰和月季。I can't differentiate between rose and chinese rose.这一对双胞胎兄弟极相似,使他们的朋友们常分不清谁是谁。The closeness of the twin brothers often confuses their friends.而这个笨蛋连灯罩和插座都分不清And this meathead can't tell the difference between a lampshade and a light socket.她在写账时似乎分不清我的和你的。She seems to confuse meum et tuum in making out her accounts.

