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    for the most part

most [mәust; (-) mɔ:st]

    adj.最多的,多数的,大部分的 adv.最,最多,很,十分,最,最大的,其中大多数,极其 n.大多数,大部分

part [pa:t]

    n.部分,局部,零件,角色 vt.分开,分离,分配 vi.分开,断裂,分手 adv.部分地,有几分 adj.部分的,局部的

many [meni]

    n.多数,群众 adj.许多的 pron.许多人,许多


他们之中大多数是猖獗的。Ignorance is rampant among them.信德人信德占绝大多数的穆斯林的成员A member of a predominantly moslem people of sind.一些同志对歪理邪说和各种忌讳的迷信,大多源于某种宗教心理。Most blind beliefs in heretical ideas and various taboos originate in some religious mentality.中国绝大多数人决不允许历史倒退。The overwhelming majority of the chinese people will never allow such a retrogression.住宿设备有些简陋,但是大多数人似乎并不介意。The accommodation was a bit rough and ready but most people didn't seem to mind.


使选票达到最大多数者 vote maximizer

占大多数 am in great strength; are in great strength; is in great strength; was in great strength; were in great strength

佔有其他公司股票全部或大多数的控股公司 proprietary company

在大多数场合下 in most cases

在大多数情况下 in the great majority of case; in the majority of cases

大多倍仪 double projector

大多孔室脂质体 macrovesicle liposome

大多数 great mass of; majority; plurality

大多数的 a majority of

大多角骨 trapezium bone

大多角骨结节 tubercle of trapezium bone

对大多数场合 for most purposes

最大多重性原理 principle of maximum multiplicity

绝大多数的 by far the majority of

