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打电话的英文翻译 打电话英文怎幺说 打电话的英文例句




    to make a telephone call

make [meik]

    vt.製造,安排,使成为,认为,产生,获得,进行,构成 vi.开始,前进,增大,被製造,被处理 n.製造,构造,性情

telephone [telifәun]

    n.电话,电话机 v.打电话

call [kɔ:l]

    n.喊声,叫声,命令,号召,访问,叫牌,通话,必要 v.呼叫,召集,称呼,认为,命名,打电话


他脑子一热,拿起话筒,打电话给普利托里亚的姐姐。On impulse he picked up the phone and dialed his sister in pretoria.他在打电话吗?Is he telephoning the phone?她很快会打电话来。She will call you shortly.她让我往学校的一个投币电话打电话She asked me to call emily at a payphone on the university campus.她已有一星期没打电话了,我有点生气。She hadn't phoned for a week and I was getting quite miffed.天皇无恙,我亲自给皇宫打电话询问过His lmperial majesty is unharmed. I personally phoned the palace.我10分钟后再打电话来。I'll ring back in ten minutes.下线后就给我打电话幺?To dial me after you get offline?也许现在该给员警打电话了You might want to dial the cops now.一个销售代表打电话给一个客户。The sales rep reached his targeted decision maker by phone.在10月的一个大风天,妈妈打电话到学校,告诉我,爷爷过世了。Mom called me at school on a blustery octo& shy; ber day to tell me grandpa had died.只是打电话来告诉你,让你到电视摄影棚来!Just calling to tell you to get your patootie down to the television studio!


一处一处地打电话 ring around

到处打电话 ring round

往回打电话 telephone ina

打电话 rang

打电话给 ring up

正在打电话 on the telephone

给...打电话 put a call to; ring up

逐一打电话给一批人 ring around

