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铭的英文翻译 铭英文怎幺说 铭的英文例句



    to engrave
    inscribed motto

engrave [in'greiv]


inscribed [in'skraibd]


motto [mɔtәu]



铭牌上字迹应清晰、牢固;The words on the nameplate shall be clear and firm;墓碑上有墓誌铭。There is an inscription on the tomb.你们的座右铭是什幺?What is your motto here?确认使用电压与电装铭牌上的电压相符。Be sure that applied voltage is conformed to the voltage indicating in name plate.为我翻译这句座右铭。Translating this motto for me.战争的印象深深地铭刻在人民的脑海里Imagery of the war has branded itself into the national consciousness.这些名字会永远被南斯拉夫人铭记Those names will be forever remembered in the history of yugoslav sport.


氟化铭 chromic fluoride

舱室铭牌 cabin nameplate

被铭记在心 sank into the mind; sink into the mind; sunk into the mind

铭仙绸 meisen

铭仙绸 meisen

铭刻 engrave in; engrave on

铭牌 data plate

铭记 enshrine in; treasure up

铭记不忘 be brande in my memory; be brande in our memory; be brande in their memory; be brande in your memory; be branded in her memory; be branded in his memory; be branded on one''s memory; bear in memory; have in memory

铭谢惠顾 thanks for patronage; thank you for your honor

