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达成协议的英文翻译 达成协议英文怎幺说 达成协议的英文例句




    to reach agreement

reach [ri:tʃ]

    n.延伸,区域,河段,範围,(车子前后轴的)联接杆,横风行驶 vt.到达,达到,伸出,影响 vi.达到,延伸,伸出手,传开

agreement [ә'gri:mәnt]



在高峰会议上双方就和平方案达成协议。Both parties agreed on the peace formula at the summit meeting.只有採用非常含糊的提法,才有可能达成协议,而这些提法往往因其含糊而引起后来的否认或分歧。Agreement may be achievable only by formulas so vague as to invite later disavowal or disagreement.本着这种精神,我们在支付条款上达成协议。We've reached an agreement on payment in this spirt.达成协议还存在障碍。Obstacles to agreement still exist.你们很有希望通过谈判达成协议。You're in a strong position to negotiate a deal.你是否知道bellick警官与囚犯在监狱工程方面达成协议?Are you aware of any arrangement officer bellick had with any inmate regarding prison industries?双方都希望下周能通过商谈达成协议。Both sides hope to thrash out an agreement by next week.他们终于达成协议:他的棒球手套换两个棒球和一个球拍。They finally struck a bargain: his mitt for two baseballs and a bat.投降在一定条件下投降;达成协议To surrender under specified conditions; come to terms.


与...达成协议 make a deal with

和...达成协议 come to an understanding with

就供货问题达成协议 reach an agreement about deliveries

就工程技术服务达成协议 agree upon engineering; come to terms about engineering

就进度表达成协议 agree upon a schedule; finalize a schedule; come to an agreement about a schedule

调解达成协议 agreement reached through mediation

达成协议 come to terms; come to an agreement; reach an agreement

达成协议与 make terms with

