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达标的英文翻译 达标英文怎幺说 达标的英文例句




    to reach a set standard

reach [ri:tʃ]

    n.延伸,区域,河段,範围,(车子前后轴的)联接杆,横风行驶 vt.到达,达到,伸出,影响 vi.达到,延伸,伸出手,传开

set [set]

    v.放,置,移动到,使(人或事物处于某种状态),提出,树立,规定,调整;n.一套,一副,一批,接受机,装置,趋势,布景;adj.固定的,规定的,坚决的,固执的,事先做好的;Secure Electronics Transations Protocol,安全电子商务协定

standard [stændәd]

    n.旗,军旗,标準,规格,本位 adj.标準的,权威,第一流的


7。污水经化粪池处理后,达标排放。7.the Sewage can only be discharged after processed by the septic tank and reaching standard.到达标準,达到正常的标準或程度。Up to standard approaching the normal standard or degree.国家要求所有排汙企业必须近期实现达标排放。The state claims enterprises have to recently reach drainage standard.环境保护局一直想法拖延时间允许加利福尼亚採用“合理的额外的努力”去达标。Epa had attempted to temporize by allowing california to take "reasonable extra efforts" to comply.货物品质未达标準。The goods are not up to par.土壤初始含盐量的增加使得达标脱盐係数减小。The increasein initial soil salt content would decrease the desalinization coefficient.在游戏品质没有达标之前,我们是不会发行的。We won't put something out until the quality level is there.


可达标识 reachable marking

可达标识图 reachable marking graph

可达标识集 set of reachable markings

搜索海面的船用雷达标杆 n. ship to surface vessel stake

搜索海面船用雷达标杆 n. ship to surface vessel stake

未达标的工程部分,未完成的工程 fault in workmanship; off-standard work

现时可达标準 currently attainable standards

自动协达标绘仪 Automatic Radar Ploting Aids

自动雷达标绘仪 automatic radar plotting aids, ARPA

达标 come up to the standards; reach the standards

雷达标图法 n. radar plotting

雷达标绘 radar plotting

