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大笔钱的英文翻译 大笔钱英文怎幺说 大笔钱的英文例句



[dàbǐ qián]

    large sum of money

large [la:dʒ]

    adj.大的,巨大的,宽大的,夸大的 adv.大大地,夸大地,顺风地 n.大

sum [sʌm]


money [mʌni]



他捐赠一大笔钱给学院基金。He donated a large sum to the college fund.他们的新房子一定花了一大笔钱。Their new house must have cost a pretty penny.他们买的两辆轿车和一辆卡车是整批交易,所以,他们省了一大笔钱。They bought two cars and a truck in a package deal that saved them a lot of money.他们在证券交易上以卖空的手段赚了大笔钱。They made a fortune on the stock exchange by selling short.他是个实足油嘴滑舌者,说服我借给他一大笔钱。He was a real smoothy who persuaded me to lend him a lot of money.他在证券交易上用卖空方式赚了大笔钱。He made a fortune on the stock exchange by selling short.通过赌赛马而赚取一大笔钱财Made a potful of money on the horses.我花了一大笔钱买了那个戒指I paid a pretty penny for that ring.我花了一大笔钱买那幅画。I paid a pretty penny for that picture.我们决定今年花一大笔钱去国外度假。We've decided to splash out on a holiday abroad this year.修车要花四百英镑。“天啊,那是一大笔钱啊!It's going to cost four hundred quid to get the car fixed. "Gordon bennett that's a lot!约翰受教育的确花了一大笔钱。John's education sure cost a pretty penny.这个特殊的设备一定花了一大笔钱。This special equipment sure cost a pretty penny.这些手工制的橱柜花了一大笔钱。These hand made cabinets cost a pretty penny.政府拨出一大笔钱修建学校。The government appropriated a large sum of money for building schools.


一大笔钱 good round

大笔钱 heavy sugar

赢得大笔钱 hit the jackpot; made a killing; make a killing

