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分节的英文翻译 分节英文怎幺说 分节的英文例句



[fēn jié]


segmented ['segməntid]



非脊椎动物,特徵是有连接的副肢和由甲壳质外骨骼分节的身体。Invertebrate having jointed limbs and a segmented body with an exoskeleton made of chitin.或以上述各分节中的任何一个字或词句标明。Or with any one of the words or expressions in these subparagraphs.无脊椎动物,身体软而不分节并经常封在壳中。Invertebrate having a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a shell.小型陆栖等足动物,身体凸起、分节并可以卷成一个球。Small terrestrial isopod with a convex segmented body that can roll up into a ball.主要为水生的节肢动物,通常身体分节并有壳质的外骨骼。Any mainly aquatic arthropod usually having a segmented body and chitinous exoskeleton.首先是你的运弓法和左手分节法First your bowing and your left hand phrasing.头、胸和尾具有横向的分节。The head the thorax and the tail comprise the transverse segmentation.一种身体分节的海生蠕虫,为明亮的红色;经常用作鱼饵。A segmented marine worm with bright red body; often used for bait.


全分节驳船 fully integrated barge

分节 metamerism

分节加热 n. split heating

分节压路机 sectional roller

分节基因 segmentation gene分节基因

分节式压路机 section roller

分节棒雷射器 segmented rod laser

分节端板 n. sectional header

分节筒 n. stepped drum

分节船 paragraph ship

分节运动 segmentation

分节锅炉 n. sectional boiler

分节驳船 integrated barge

分节驳船队 integrated barge train

初生分节 primary segmentation原生分节

次生分节 secondary segmentation次生分节

积分节流开关 integral restrictor

装配式分节浮船 bolted sectional dock

跗分节 tarsomere跗节亚节

