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分点的英文翻译 分点英文怎幺说 分点的英文例句



[fēn diǎn]

    point of division

point [pɔint]

    n.点,尖端,分数,要点,分数 vt.弄尖,指向,指出,瞄準,加标点于 vi.指,指向,表明

division [di'viʒ(ә)n]



零点是春分点,也叫做白羊座点。The zero point is the vernal equinox also called the point of aries.前者是太阳在春分时所在的位置,通称为春分点。The former occupied by the sun at the vernal equinox is known as the equinox.然后他解释分点岁差。He then accounts for the precession of the equinoxes.同样,饮酒的妇女智商比那些完全不喝酒的妇女要高2。5个百分点。Similarly the iq of women drinkers showed an improvement of2.5points over their teetotal sisters.与春分点相隔180°的另一点,就是秋分点。The autumnal equinox is the point in the opposite direction of the vernal equinox.这也增长了1个百分点。That was also a one percent increase.


二分点 equinoxes黄道和天赤道的两个交点;春分点和秋分点的总称。

二分点风暴 equinoctial gale; equinoctial storm

内分点 plus point

分点 point of division

分点大潮 equinoctial spring tides; equinoctial tides

分点潮 equinoctial tide

力学分点 dynamical equinox太阳系天体的观测位置与动力学理论比较所确定的春分点位置。

大圆分点 intermediate point of great circle

平春分点 mean equinox黄道对平赤道的升交点。

星表分点 catalogue equinox根据星表中恒星赤经所确定的春分点位置。

春分点 vernal equinox

流动水分点 flow moisture point

百分点 percentage points

百分点,百分率的点 percentage point

百分点地图 percentage dot map

真春分点 true equinox黄道对真赤道的升交点。

秋分点 autumnal equinox

积分点 integrated dot

