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[dǎ yóu]

    buy oil; extract oil;press for oil;paint oil;ladle oil;add oil

buy [bai]

    v.买 n.购买,买卖

oil [ɔil]

    n.油,石油,油类 vt.给(机器等)加油,上油,涂油

extract [ekstrækt]

    n.精,汁,榨出物,摘录,选粹 vt.拔出,榨取,开方,求根,摘录,析取,吸取

press [pres]

    n.压,按,印刷,压力,拥挤,紧握,新闻 vt.压,压榨,紧抱,逼迫 vi.压,逼迫,拥挤,受压

paint [peint]

    n.油漆,颜料,涂料 v.油漆,(用颜料等)画,绘,描绘,逼真地描述


跟他的其他有关神学的议论诗一样,这不比拙劣的打油诗高明多少。Neither it nor his other theological versetreatises rise far above doggerel.他富于想像方,只几分钟就能写出1首五行打油诗。He is full of imagination and can knock off a limerick in a few minutes.一首有趣的五行打油诗That's a funny limerick!有传统诗歌类型,如俳句、五行诗和五行打油诗。There are traditional poem types such as haiku cinquain and limerick.有谁愿意帮我填五行打油诗?Will someone please help me fill in the blanks in my limerick?有韵律具有简单的、重複的四韵诗或打油诗那样朗朗上口的音韵To have the catchy sound of a simple repetitious rhyme or doggerel.这本诗集的很大一部分都是打油诗。This collection of poems is doggerel for the most part.这个所谓诗作者主要写打油诗。This rhymster has written mainly doggerel.这首打油诗没有标明作者是谁。The doggerel doesn't filiate itself.钻探队正在打油气井,準备开採天然气。The drilling team is working on a petroleum associated gas well to exploit natural gas.石油工人正在打油井。The oil workers are sinking a well.我回想起我以前常写给她的那些很有趣的打油诗。I recalled the charming nonsense verse I used to write her.


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