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迷惑的英文翻译 迷惑英文怎幺说 迷惑的英文例句




    to puzzle
    to confuse
    to baffle

puzzle [pʌz(ә)l]

    n.难题,谜 v.(使)迷惑,(使)为难,迷惑不解

confuse [kәn'fju:z]



他朗诵全首诗没有一个差错;迷惑造成他不幸的失足。He recited the whole poem without a single trip; confusion caused his unfortunate misstep.他最近的行为使我迷惑不解。His recent behavior puzzles me.调查的结果使我感到迷惑--它们根本不是我原本预料的那样。The findings of the survey puzzle me--they're not at all what I would have expected.统计数字是可以用迷惑人的方式提出来的。Statistics can be presented in ways that are misleading.威廉不知不觉地正使我的计谋更迷惑人。William was unknowingly strengthening my trap.为什幺他还…迷惑?Why he need... puzzle?我们不要被这样似是而非的论点所迷惑。Let us not be misled by such specious arguments.我们都被他的伪善迷惑了。We were all misled by his hypocrisy.我只是在说演艺很能迷惑人All l'm saying is acting's so will-o '-the-wisp.一个女巫!一个被迷惑的教士!恶魔的仪式!A witch! A seduced monk! Satanic rites!再瞧那孩子,突然醒过来,不再迷惑,The boy could not have shown a wilder这是使我们迷惑不解的。That's what puzzled us.


以迷惑 charm with

使...迷惑 bewilder

使迷惑 take to town

对...迷惑不解 be in a puzzle about

用符咒迷惑 cast a spell on; cast a spell over

被...所迷惑 be struck by; be struck with

被迷惑住 be taken in the toils

迷惑 puzzle; quandary; witch

迷惑不解 scratch her head; scratch his head; scratch my head; scratch our head; scratch their head; scratch your head

迷惑人的 heady

迷惑使失线索 put someone off the scent

