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phenol [fi:nɔl]

    n.[化] 苯酚,石碳酸


一种苯酚氨基酸,其中甲状腺素是一种衍生物。A phenolic amino acid of which thyroxine is a derivative.一种清亮油质的棕色甲酚肥皂溶液,用作防腐剂和消毒剂。A clear oily brown solution of cresols in soap; used as an antiseptic and disinfectant.增强沥青涂料苯酚基树脂Reinforced bituminous composition phenol based resin.主要成份:杏仁、海盐、杏仁颗粒、橄榄多酚。Ingredient: almond and sea salt etc.


丁腈橡胶改性酚醛压塑粉 NBR Modified phenolic molding compound

丁酚胺 bamethan

丁香油酚 eugenol

丁香酚 eugenol

三氯苯酚 trichlorophenol

三氯酚呱嗪 triclofenol piperazine

三氯酚钠 Dowicide B

三氯酚钠 Dowicide B

三溴苯酚 tribromo phenol

三特丁基苯酚 tri-tert-butylphenol

三甲基苯酚 trimethylphenol

三硝基甲酚 trinitrocresol

三硝基苯酚 picric acid

丙阶酚醛树脂 resit

乙 酚 diethylstilbestrol又称"二乙基己烯雌酚"。

乙二醛缩双邻氨基苯酚 glyoxal-o-aminophenol

乙基苯酚 ethyl phenol

乙烯雌酚片 diaethyl stilbestroli tablet

乙芪酚 diethylstilbestrol

乙萘酚 beta-naphthol ethyl naphthol

乙醯化酚醛纤维 acetylated phenolic fibre

乙醯基异丁香酚 acetyl iso-eugenol

乙醯苯酚 acetyl phenol

二氨基酚盐酸盐 diaminophenol dihydrochloride

二氯-1-萘酚 dichloro-1-naphthol

二氯二甲酚 dichloroxylenol

二氯苯酚 dichlorophenol

二氯酚吲哚酚钠 dichlorophenolindophenol,sodium salt

二溴酚 dibromophenol

二溴酚吲哚酚钠 dibromhphenolindophenol sodium salt

