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密电的英文翻译 密电英文怎幺说 密电的英文例句




    coded telegram
    secret telegram

telegram [teligræm]


secret [si:krit]

    n.秘密,秘诀,奥秘 adj.秘密的,隐秘的,幽静的、


匪徒们威胁说,要是他不说出密电码藏在哪儿,就要把他干掉。The gangsters threatened to bump him off if he did not tell them where the secret code was hidden.


低阻精密电位计 low resistance precision potentiometer

保密电报设备 secure telegraph equipment

保密电视会议周边设备 secure video conferencing interface equipment

保密电话 code phone

保密电话机 confidential phone privacy telephone set secret telephone secure telephone

保密电话系统 voice security telephone system

保密电话通信系统 secure voice communication system

加密电传机 ciphering teleprinter

加密电文 cipher text

卫星保密电话 satellite secure voice

台式保密电话机 secure desktop telephone

密电 code language telegram; secret language telegram

数控精密电火花机床 NC precision EDM machine

旋转式精密电阻箱 rotary switch precision resistance box

精密电位器 precision potentiometer

精密电位计 precision potentiometer

精密电子秤 electronic precision scale

精密电容器 precision capacitor

精密电容测试仪 precision capacitance tester

精密电容测量仪 precision capacity tester

精密电流分流器 precision electrical flow divider

精密电流錶 precision ammeter

精密电火花成型机床 precision EDM shaping machine

精密电火花机床 precision EDM machine

精密电阻器 precision resistor

纵向水密电缆 longitudinal watertight cable

通用电气精密电位器 general electric precision potentiometer

