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描画的英文翻译 描画英文怎幺说 描画的英文例句




    to draw
    to describe

draw [drɔ:]

    v.拉,曳,牵,画,绘製,拖曳 vt.汲取,领取,提取,引起,吸引 vi.向,挨近 n.平局,和局,拖曳

describe [dɪˈskraɪb]

    v 1 [Tn, Tw, Cn.nsth (tosth as sth say what sba] ~ sbsth to be sth; call 叫做; 称做: I hesitate to describe him as really clever. 我很难说他真聪明. * He describes himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生. 3 [Tn] (a) draw (esp a geometrical figure) 画(尤指几何图形): describe a circle with a pair of compasses 用圆规画圆. (b) move along (a line, curve, etc) 沿(直线、 曲线等)移动: A bullet describes a curved path in the air. 子弹在空中作曲线运动


后来发电站被精确地描画在大比例地图上。The powerhouse was trace out accurately later on a large scale map.资料自动描绘器,绘图机一种电脑的输出设备,通常通过移动一只笔来描画图表或图形A computer output device that draws graphs or pictures usually by moving a pen描绘,描画用图画来描绘或表现;给…做画To depict or represent pictorially; make a picture of.无意识中难以形容的,无法描画的"'滴答声"'。The inexpressible unpaintable` tick'in the unconscious.用木炭绘製的素描画。A drawing made with charcoal.这个人物描画得很逼真。The figure was realistically painted.


超可描画图 hypertraceable graph

铅笔素描画 pencil sketch

