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鲱鱼的英文翻译 鲱鱼英文怎幺说 鲱鱼的英文例句



[fēi yú]


herring [heriŋ]



他是用五大湖里的鲱鱼依照挪威传统做法作的It's the lake superior herring that's made the old-fashioned norwegian way.她的戒指上有鲱鱼的图案。Her ring has a design of herring.爱尔兰捕捞的海鱼品种主要是鲱鱼、大西洋鳕、牙鳕、鲐鱼、鲽鱼、鹞鱼、鳐鱼和黑线鳕。The main varieties of sea fish landed are herring cod whiting mackerel plaice ray skate and haddock.从鲱鱼中提取的脂油,用于油漆、墨水及处理皮革。A fatty oil obtained from the menhaden fish and used in paint and ink and in treating leather.海水或淡水鲱鱼的非常贵重的瘦肉。Highly valued lean flesh of marine or freshwater mullet.加工过程类似于沙丁鱼的小_鲱鱼。Small herring processed like a sardine.那给我来一份熏鲱鱼,一些蔬菜沙拉和一片黄油麵包。Ok. A smoked herring some vegetable salad and a piece of butter bread please.乳酪,鲱鱼还有一些美味新鲜的义大利乾酪The cheese we've got some herring and some deliciously fresh mozzarella.年幼的青鱼、鲱鱼或类似的鱼。The young of a herring or sprat or similar fish.他们不可以在我国海域捕捞鲱鱼。They can't poach for herring form our waters.他们不能从我们水域偷捕鲱鱼。They can't poach herring from our waters.我在安尼斯夸捕过鲱鱼I was working menhaden in annisquam.烟熏的略带红色的干鲱鱼。A dried and smoked herring having a reddish color.


干鲱鱼籽 dried herring roe

捕鲱鱼船队 sailing gang; sailinggang

油浸鲱鱼 herring in oil

油鲱鱼粉 memhaden meal

烟熏鲱鱼 smoked herring

盐渍鲱鱼籽 salted herring roe

茄汁小鲱鱼 herring small in tomato sauce

茄汁鲱鱼 herring in tomato sauce

茄汁鲱鱼片 herring fillet in tomato sauce

鲱鱼 herring shad

鲱鱼子 herring roe

鲱鱼油 herring oil

鲱鱼粉 herring meal

鲱鱼酱糜 herring spread

