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大骂的英文翻译 大骂英文怎幺说 大骂的英文例句



[dà mà]

    to rain curses (on sb)
    to let sb have it
    to bawl sb out

rain [rein]

    n.雨,下雨,雨天 vi.下雨 vt.使大量落下,大量地给

let [let]

    vt.假设,出租,允许,排放,让...进入(或通过),妨碍 vi.出租,(工程等)被承包 n.出租屋,障碍

it [it]

    pron.它;Italy,义大利;Information Technology,资讯技术


老闆因为那个勤杂工没有随手关门而大骂他。The boss pitched into the office boy for failing to shut the door behind him.她的头撞到门框上,大骂了一声。She bumped her head in the doorway and swore loudly.老闆破口大駡,但小伙子非常坚定。His boss burst into a storm of abuse, but the boy stood firm.他欺骗人,气得她把他大骂了一顿。Furious at his deceit, she let fly at him with a stream of abuse.他来回走动着,大骂这场延误事故,因为每耽误一分钟都在消耗他的钱财。He was walking to and fro swearing at the delay which was costing him so much money every minute.她破口大駡。She cursed terribly.极度的狂怒使妻子不但在家里,而且还在外头破口大駡。It was more than blind rage which led the wife to swear outside as well as in.他大骂着裁判气冲冲地离开了球场。He stormed off the pitch hurling insults at the umpire.为某事挨了一顿大骂。Get a terrible blowing-up for sth要是乔治看见我跟你讲话,他一定会大骂我一顿,”纶尼战战兢兢地说。If george sees me talking to you he'll give me hell "lennie said cautiously.还可以举所谓“顺应潮流”这个行话做例子,这是我们的社会批评家大骂我们的。Or take the shibboleth of "conformity" with which the critics of our society plague us.女明星破口大駡那个给她开一张违规停车罚单的员警。The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket.她大骂那个倒楣的服务员。She hurled insults at the unfortunate waiter.


大骂 swear an oath

对...破口大駡 rave against

破口大駡 swear home

