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[miàn miàn]

    multiple viewpoints

multiple [mʌltip(ә)l]

    adj.多样的,多重的 n.倍数,若干 v.成倍增加


根据sage2卫星资料推导出pinatubo火山喷出物使平流层气溶胶表面面积密度增大The post-pinatubo evolution of stratospheric aerosol surface area density as inferred from sage2可是一经冷静下来,他们就面面相觑地同声叨念着“罗克艾兰!”But when calmness began to return they looked at one another and said "rock island!"英国学习面面观。Keys for studying in the u.k.在座的人面面相觑,大家带着询问和疑惑的眼光举目望她。They stared at each other in speechless despair and eyed her questioningly.职业精神和竞争意识已经渗入生活的方方面面。Professionalism and competitiveness have entered every aspect of life.


剩余水线面面积 remaining effective waterplane area

受湿面面积 n. wetted surface area

喷嘴喉部截面面积 nozzle-throat area

截面面积 cross-sectional area

截面面积矩 first moment of area, static moment又称"截面静矩"。截面各微元面积与其到截面某一指定轴线距离的乘积之积分。

损失水线面面积 lost waterplane area

横剖面面积曲线 curve of sectional areas

横断面面积 cross-sectional area

比表面面积试验仪 air-permeability apparatus

水下断面面积 area of wetted cross section

水线面面积 area of waterplane

水线面面积曲线 curve of areas of waterplanes

河道断面面积 area of waterway

浸水断面面积 area of wetted cross section

燃烧表面面积 burning surface area

环形剖面面积 ring sectional area

等效断面面积 equivalent sectional area

自动表面面积分析仪 automatic surface area analyzer

舯剖面面积 n. area of midship section

过水断面面积 discharge area; dischatge area; dischatge section area

阳光线面面积係数 n. water plane area coefficient

面面俱到地谈 cover the waterfront

黑面麵包 graham bread

