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飞出的英文翻译 飞出英文怎幺说 飞出的英文例句



[fēi chū]

    to fly out

fly [flai]

    n.苍蝇,两翼昆虫,飞行 vi.飞翔,飘扬,溃逃 vt.飞越,使飘扬,逃脱 adj.机敏的,敏捷的

out [aut]

    adj.外面的,下台的,出局的 adv.在外,出声地,显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地 n.外面,外出,外观 vt.赶出,击倒,使退场 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通过


四处飞溅的枪弹;我绊倒时从手中飞出一个盘子Bullets flying in every direction; a plate that flew from my hands when I stumbled.除非我们想让他的颌骨飞出来Unless we want his jawbone flying across the room.从暗藏的鸟窝里飞出的这些鸟儿使寂静的黑夜显得害怕。These birds from their secret haunts affright the quiet of the night.丹.卡斯泰兰尼塔在飞出个未来中为可怕的机器人魔鬼配音。Dan castellaneta voiced the horrifying robot devil in futurama.蝙蝠从洞里飞出来以后总是向左转。Bats always turn left when they fly out from a cave.从开满蝴蝶花的草丛中,从千百条乡间道路的尘埃中,常有关不住的歌声飞出来。There are songs that come free from the blue-eyed grass from the dust of a thousand country roads.所以如果我的线人飞出了窗户,他的屁股上肯定布满了菲力克斯的手印So if my cl flies out a window he's got felix's handprints on his ass.他们就会发出绿色的光然后飞出来。They'll shed their green lights and fly off.小孩被炸弹爆炸后飞出的碎片杀死了。The child was killed by flying debris after the bomb exploded.流浪的歌曲飞出我的心,在你爱的呼唤中寻找巢穴。Migratory songs wing from my heart and seek their nests in your voice of love.鸟儿飞出来,啄食花园里挂着的果核。The birds come and peck at the nuts hung up in the garter.他们匆忙做出结论:我们从巴基斯坦飞出的飞机都是从白沙瓦起飞的。They jumped to the conclusion that all our flights out of pakistan had been made from peshawar.


沿切线方向飞出 flied off at a tangent; flies off at a tangent; fly off at a tangent; go off at a tangent; goen off at a tangent; goes off at a tangent; went off at a tangent

飞出 burst out

