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打的的英文翻译 打的英文怎幺说 打的的英文例句



[dǎ de]

    (slang) to take a taxi
    to go by taxi

slang [slæŋ]

    n.俚语,行话 v.用粗话骂,用俚语说

take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

taxi [tæksi]

    n.计程车 v.乘坐计程车


他们通常是单打的。They usually play in singles.他跷课了,是我打的他Whipping him for skipping academy classes...为什幺被打的社会主义者“?1969年,奥。Why have the socialists been winning? " 1969 Ordo."我上周打的防疫针。I had a vaccination last week.信只有一张黄色信笺,用打字机每隔两行打的,还附了一份戏剧报上的一页,折好了放在信封里。It was a single typed yellow sheet triple-spaced with a folded page from a theatrical trade paper.印刷字印刷的或打字机打的字;印刷物Printed or typewritten characters; print.在南京持续打的就是这样令人眼花缭乱的太极拳。Such was the fascinating shadowboxing that went on at nanking.这拳是为小型家庭式农夫打的!This is for small family farmers!这是出版商们打的一种心理战。It was a kind of war of nerves with the publishers.这一架是在哥伦布东大街打的,对手是个大膘肥,呲牙咧嘴,是个不伦不类的杂种。It was fought in east main street in columbus with a large snarly nondescript.


好多打的 dozens of

打的士 take a taxi

用铆钉枪打的 gun driven; gundriven

风吹雨打的 storm beaten

