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扉的英文翻译 扉英文怎幺说 扉的英文例句



    door with only one leaf

door [dɔ:(r)]


only [әunli]

    adj.唯一的,单独的,最好的,最合适的 adv.仅仅,只不过 conj.但是,可是

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

leaf [li:f]

    n.叶,树叶,(书的)一张(两叶),页 vi.生叶,翻书页 vt.翻...的页


野老念牧童,倚杖候荆扉。And a rugged old man in a thatch door leans on a staff and thinks of his son the herdboy.月光要从这个窗扉里照进来Moonshine shall shine in atthe casement.在日记本的扉页上,他用《我的誓言》为标题写了这些话:On the flyleaf under the heading "my pledge" he had written these words:敞开心扉品味生活中每一份新奇与意趣。Be open to the newness and significance of each moment.第十七条招股说明书全文文本扉页应载有如下内容:Article17the title page of the prospectus shall be recorded with the following information:塞尔玛:我在倾听我的心扉。Selma: I listen to my heart.书的扉页上印有作者的全名。The writer's full name appears on the title page of the book.书名扉页上印的是:The inscription on the title-page ran:


书籍扉页用纸 book end paper

双扉闸门 doubleleaf gate具有可分别启闭的上、下两扇搭接而成的平面闸门。

向...敞开心扉 open one''s heart to

标题扉页 title page

肛扉 anal valve

