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搭车的英文翻译 搭车英文怎幺说 搭车的英文例句



[dā chē]

    to ride (in a vehicle)
    to get a lift
    to hitch-hike

ride [raid]

    v.骑,乘 n.骑,乘

vehicle [vi:ik(ә)l; (-) 'vi:hikl]


get [get]

    vt.获得,变成,收穫,使得,挣得,受到(惩罚,打击等),染上,抓住 vi.到达,成为,变得 n.生殖,幼兽


可以让我搭车吗?Can you give me a lift?你能让我搭车进城吗?Can you give me a lift into town?比尔表示愿意让我搭车去上班,我马上接受了他的提议。Bill offered to give me a lift to work and I quickly took him upon it.在高速公路入口,他让两个免费搭车旅行者搭了他的车。He picked up two hitchhiker at the entrance to the motorway.然而,在某些特定的情况下,免费搭车行为会是一个很严重的问题。Nonetheless in certain cases free riding is a significant problem.她计画搭车横穿龇洲人陆。She is planning to hitch-hike through mainland europe.她要搭车去弗里蒙特街去看她的外祖母She is thumbing rides to fremont street to see her grandfather.在英国,搭车者竖起大拇指,向来往的车辆示意他们想搭车。In britain people who hitch-hike show they want a lift by holding up their thumb to passing traffic.75块钱,另加搭车Seventy-five dollars and a ride.驾驶者可以就座的滑雪搭车。A ski lift on which riders are seated.杰克经常带上免费搭车者同行。Jack often picks up hitch-hikers.你是我的第十三次搭车。You're my thirteenth ride.他让我搭车去市场。He gave me a ride to the plaza.只有一根绳子拖拉的滑雪搭车。A ski tow offering only a rope to hold onto.


偷搭车 beat her way; beat his way; beat my way; beat our way; beat their way; beat your way; beaten her way; beaten his way; beaten my way; beaten our ways; beaten their ways; beaten your way; beaten your ways

