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    prickly heat

prickly [prikli]


heat [hi:t]

    n.热,热度,热烈,高潮,压力 vi.加热,激昂,发热,发怒 vt.把...加热,使激动 [军] High Explosive-Anti-Tank,破甲弹


她热得出了痱子。The heat brought her out in (ie caused) a rash.他脖子上长满了痱子。His neck was covered in a heat rash.我无法断定是什幺使她不舒服;不会是痱子。I cannot decide what ails her; it's not a heat rash.像痱子就是其中一种很不舒服的皮肤问题。A heat rash for example is one of the problems that can make you feel really uncomfortable.要是在太阳下晒太久,你会生痱子。If you stay in the sun too long you'll get a heat rash.痱子通常先起于颈部。Prickly heat usually starts round the neck.因为我长着痱子所以在腿上涂了些婴儿油And I got baby oil on my legs because of the prickly heat.有效申斥;洗液在治疗痱子方面很有效。An effective reprimand; a lotion that is effective in cases of prickly heat.


去痱水 prickly heat lotion

深部痱 miliaria profunda

痱 miliaria又称"汗疹","粟疹"。

痱子 heat rash

痱子皂 prickly heat soap

痱子粉 prickly heat powder pulvis miliariae

白痱 miliaria alba, miliaria crystallina

红痱 miliaria rubra

脓疱性痱 miliaria pustulosa

