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法治的英文翻译 法治英文怎幺说 法治的英文例句




    rule of law
    to rule by law

rule [ru:l]

    n.规则,惯例,统治,章程,破折号,準则,标準,控制 vt.规定,统治,支配,裁决 vi.统治,管辖,裁定 n.规则,水线

law [lɔ:]

    n.法律,诉讼,法学,法治,司法界,规律 v.对...起诉,控告 [军] Light Anti-Tank Weapon,轻型反坦克武器


他们知道在这一带谁是维护法治的。They know who's on the side of law and order around here.她讲的话是否对法治是破坏性的?Was her speech subversive of law and order?无法治,则专制。Where laws end tyranny begins.无法治疗到全阴,只能用药物让其产生抗体。Cannot treat whole nether world can let its produce antibody with medicaments only.一种新的手术方法治疗陈旧性会阴Ⅲ度裂伤。A new operative method to repair the third-degree old laceration of perineum.中国属于典型的外生型法治类型。China belongs to typical exogenous nomocracy.祝愿中国民主法治,而不仅仅繁荣昌盛!Bless there is not only thriving and prosperous but also democracy and nomocracy in china!作者应用电灼法治疗面部毛细血管扩张症68例。In this study 68cases with telangiectasis on face were treated by elec trosurgery.


世界法治 world rule of law

以法治税 tackling tax problems according to law

传统法治 traditional rule of law

依法治国 administer a country according to law; manage state affairs in accordance with the law

德治和法治并行 concurrence of rule of virtue and rule of law

手法治疗 manipulation

民主的法治行政 democratic and legislative administration

法治 rule by law

法治原则 principle of rule of law

法治国家 legal state

行政法治 rule of administrative law

行政法治原则 doctrine of the rule of administrative law

资本主义法治 capitalist rule of law

